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The Buddha And His Disciples

Profiles and perspectives in self-discovery
10 public lectures with slide presentation by Piya Tan
(Wed) 9, 16, 23, 30 Oct.; 6, 13, 20, 27 Nov.; 4, 11 Dec. 2002
Brahm Education Centre
Peck Chuan Building #03-02,
116 Lavender Street,


The Buddha never fully told his life story. The earliest canonical accounts we have are only selected episodes that are vehicles for promoting his teachings. Yet today, we have various full versions of his biographies, one of which is regarded as the greatest Sanskrit work of Indian literature.

How did the story of the Buddha begin and evolve, and why?

Who were his great disciples who contributed to the success of Buddhism as a world religion?.

What makes Buddhism such a great world religion that it is today the fastest growing spiritual movement?

What does the life of the Buddha mean for us?

Lecture topics (with PowerPoint Slides)

1. Why We Are Not Enlightened? Life of the Buddha up to the Prelude to the Four Sights.
The benefits of knowing the life of the Buddha, both as history and as legend. Who wrote the life of the Buddha?

2. Buddhist Theory of Evolution. The 4 Sights and the search for enlightenment.
The problem of evil in Buddhism.

3. Why Buddhist Worship Trees? The Great Enlightenment.
The role of Măra in Buddhism; the importance of trees in Buddhism.

4. The Secret of the Buddha's Success. The Buddha's First Discourse.
Brahmă and the Buddha's hesitation to teach. The first Buddhist missioners.

5. True Friendship. Săriputra and Maudgalyăyana.
Spiritual friendship. Did the Buddha get angry?

6. The Buddha's Image and Shadow. Ŕnanda & Mahă Kăšyapa.
The tension between the monastic tradition and the forest tradition. The Dharma-ending age.

7. The Buddha's Bad Karma. Angulimăla & Devadatta.
Who really was Ăngulimăla—was he a cult devotee? Was Devadatta the leader of an ancient Buddhist order? Illnesses and pains of the Buddha; how even the most evil have a chance with the Buddha. The Pubba,kamma,piloti.

8. The Thundering Silence. Bimbisăra, Ajătasatru and Prasenajit.

History's first republic & the rise of the kingdom of Magadha. The two wheels.

9. The Agony and the Ecstasy. Ămrapălí, Pat­ăcără, Sírimă, Rsídăsí. The Buddhist views of sex and women. Women of pleasure who became saints.

10. Was the Buddha Poisoned? Overview of the Discourse on the Great Final Nirvana.
The final instructions of the Buddha. How did the Buddha die?

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