Singapore DharmaNet Homepage

Meditation Therapy
Meditation changes stress into steps to growing success:
it turns you into a diamond.

Minding Centre
Blk 644 Bukit Batok Central, #01-68 (2nd flr)
Singapore 650644
[near Bukit Batok MRT & Bus Int]
Tel: 6569 5205; HP: 8211 0879


Benefits: Research shows that the body releases chemicals that increase pain and inflammation in many medical disorders when we feel stressed. Relaxing the mind and body through meditation reduces the release of these irritating chemicals.

Deep rest, good sleep, de-stressing, less pain, wellness.
Self-empowerment, positive attitude. Better focus, emotional resilience.

Complementary self-therapy for those undergoing treatment for AIDS, cancer, anxiety and panic disorders, arthritis, depression, fatigue, headaches (including migraine, tension headaches), chronic pain, sleep problems, stress, type A behavior and gastrointestinal distress. Meditation reduces anxiety, stress, blood pressure, chronic pain, insomnia, cholesterol levels, symptoms of post-traumatic stress syndrome in Vietnam veterans, substance abuse, health care use, and increase longevity and quality of life. See:

  • Beginner (3 x 2 h, 7.30 - 9.30 pm)
  • Intermediate (2 x 2 h, 7.30 - 9.30 pm)
  • Intensive [Basic] (1 Sunday, 1.00 - 4.00 pm)
  • Personalized session/s (by appointment)
  • Psychology of meditation: See website
  • 3 Mondays, 8.00-8.45 pm [Ratna Lim]

    Venue: The Minding Centre

    Meditation is moment-to-moment nonjudgmental awareness. A meditator relates to his body and mind in a wise and caring manner.
    1. Nature of the mind
    2. Why & how to meditate 3. Overcoming mental hindrances
    4. Centering the mind & focusing
    5. Mind-watching
    6. Self-healing
    7. Overcoming drowsiness
    8. Dealing with negative habits

    Who should attend: Corporate professionals, office workers, counselors, social workers, doctors, nurses, teachers, lawyers, HR staff, students, home-makers and anyone interested in deep rest, de-stressing, emotional resilience, inner peace and wellness.

    INSTRUCTOR: Piya Tan is a meditation therapist and counsellor. He has run numerous meditation retreats and courses, classes on Buddhist psychology and counselling (non-religious), and various other courses for tertiary students and adults since 1980s. In 1994, he taught meditation at the University of California at Berkeley, USA. He co-authored Love and Marriage: A Buddhist Perspective (1990), and is happily married with two young sons. For more details click here

    For more course details, please browse our or contact Ratna Lim.

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    Webmaster Piya Tan
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